Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The least difficult of the three main Torridon mountains - Beinn Alligin, Liathach and Beinn Eighe - it is a recommended starting point for those new to the area. Instead follow the path which winds up the first Horn, with some simple but airy scrambling. The easiest entry is to skirt the top southwards for a short way before skirting hard left down and into the Coire basin. There are superb views looking to the hidden side of Liathach. The triangulation point marking the summit of Tom na Gruagaich, at 922 metres, is soon reached over to the right. Guided scrambles up mountain ridges in Torridon, including the Am Fasarinen pinnacles on Liathach, Coire Mhic Fhearchair on Beinn Eighe and the Horns of Alligin on Beinn Alligin. From the foot of the ridge keep heading down towards the Allt a Bhealaich, soon another path joins from the left at a cairn. Rearing straight up out of bogs, lochs and moorlands, these mountains are an impressive sight to behold and send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned mountaineer. Start at the Beinn Alligin car park (Maps link). Beinn Alligin means the Mountain of Beauty in Gaelic - and is well named. Beinn Alligin (986m) The Mountain of Beauty in Gaelic, Beinn Alligin rises proud in the Torridon region and boasts two munro peaks. If you don't like scrambling or if the weather is poor, you can return from here back the way you came; taking this option would reduce the difficulty of the walk to Grade 4. Car park on west bank of Abhain Coire Mhic Nobuil. Round including horns of Alligin. Fantastic winter scramble route: emily: 17/03/2017: Original ascent in 2004 - not sure if reached this summit, so returned in better weather(!) to complete a traverse of Beinn Alligin. raffemeister: 25/08/2016: From car park by Torridon House, clockwise round of Beinn Alligin, including both Munros … Beinn Alligin, the most westerly of the range thrusts its mass out into the Atlantic and provides one of the more accessible, but no less committing mountain traverses in the region and especially when combined with the sensational ‘Horns of Alligin’, makes one of the finest low grad scrambling … This is the easiest of the three famous Torridon ridge traverses, but if the Horns are included it still gives some airy scrambling. In winter conditions it is an alpine route requiring the appropriate equipment and experience. We reached the top where we were provided with an excellent view back across Beinn Alligin’s twin summits. The mountain is split by the Eag Dhubh, a deep gash on the south face of Sgurr Mor, where on the slopes below, it is said to have provided the lair of one of the last wild wolves in Scotland. After a long climb, emerge suddenly on a fairly flat plateau. Does your firm want to sponsor this route. 10. Between June and September, the Highland midge can really spoil your day if you are not well-protected. Have a look at the river from the bridge- there are some attractive waterfalls here- before taking the path up the west side of the stream (not the much larger path on the east side). This looks impassable from many angles but in fact it is easily bypassed on the left side. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Sam regularly publishes route blogs on his website, This route was created by Sam Wainwright and donated to the. The Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Rum. using a map and compass. Beinn Alligin Wednesday 29th May 2019 Before heading out into the mountains at the start of the week of this walk I checked the weather forecast and it was not looking good for Wednesday with rain likely, although to be fair to M.W.I.S. The route just merits grade 5 for the airy but reasonably straightforward scramble over the horns. The path leads on down to reach a footbridge and then crosses this before descending the east bank, passing some waterfalls, before crossing the Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil on another footbridge. Continue along the path, crossing the river to reach another fork in the path marked by a small cairn. There are sensational views looking back to Beinn Alligin. "From the car park ... take the path up Coire Mhic Nobuil through the trees for half a mile to a bridge. Grade - mod/hard. 5 – (NG 86568 61272) From the summit head south west down along the broad ridge over a subsidiary top before following the more defined and blocky arête to the main summit of Beinn Aligin. Your email address will not be published. Please let us know by clicking here. Turn left here and acend towards Coir' nan Laoigh." Ascent - 4300 feet / 1303 metres . UK Scrambles is dedicated to introducing people to the activity of scrambling. Looking down on The Horns. The most westerly of the Munros in Torridon, Beinn Alligin is not such an extensive or imposing mountain as it's near neighbours but this is to it's advantage. 4 – (NG 87614 61156) A traverse of this section of the ridge makes for continually interesting (and in some places exposed scrambling) however following the crest itself is not compulsory, with good paths to be found on the south western side of the ridge skirting most of the difficulties. From this point on the paths become considerably vaguer requiring careful route finding is required at all times. Beinn Alligin June 27, 2011 ... the clag lifted above the summits, prompting a change of plan from low level, to high level route. 1 – (NG 86900 57669) Starting from a cap park behind the Torridon Hotel, cross the road bridge and follow a good path on the eastern bank of the Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil north for about 2 km until a an obvious footbridge is reached. The Black Carls are nice, I scrambled over them after traversing the rest of the Beinne Eighe ridge. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Author - Lou Johnson. Below shows the route outline, and should be taken from East to West, ie right to left. Thankfully, once up close they’re not quite as menacing as they first appear. Mountain hiking, hillwalking and scrambling routes up Beinn Eighe in Torridon including the Munro summits of Ruadh-stac Mor and Spidean Coire nan Clach and other peaks such as Sail Mhor, the Triple Buttress of Coire Mhic Fhearchair, Ruadh-stac Beag, Meall a'Ghiuthais and the Black Carls. The Horns, however, add an extra element of excitement and are strictly for competent scramblers. O ne of the true jewels of the north west, Beinn Alligin gives a stunning scrambly horseshoe that takes in two Munros and some exciting ground on the famous Horns of Na Rathanan. Information is provided free of charge; it is each walker's responsibility to check it and navigate The route is easy to follow. A recently constructed armoured path is soon reached which is followed back to the start. There is a faint path which traverses the very steep grass slopes to the right of the Horns, but this can be very slippery and is probably more dangerous than climbing the Horns themselves. This is an even better viewpoint, with Baosbheinn looking fabulous across Loch a Bhealaich to the north; but the pick of the view is that of the incredibly steep peak of Beinn Dearg with the Horns of Alligin as a foreground. We give you the opportunity to summit 6 … The Torridon Giants trekking holiday lets you experience this wild and remote area of North West Scotland from sea level to the highest summits! Continue up to where the angle eases following the path (with the odd hands on section) to the top of the Horns (An t-Sail Bheg). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The views from here across the wider Torridon Range including Beinn Dearg and Liathach are spectacular. We descended steeply to the base of the first horn, and then tackled the scrambling ascent via a direct line to the top (865m). “I live for everything outdoors and to me a bad day in the hills still beats a good day in the office.”. The three Horns of Alligin, Na Rathanan in Gaelic, are a landmark from many points miles around, and together with the steep domed top of Sgurr Mhor make Beinn Alligin easy to identify in distant views. In fact, its name means Jewelled Mountain. Includes 2 Munro's, 1 Corbett-top & 3 Bishop's Scrambling is the blurred middle line between hiking and climbing, considered by many to be far more enjoyable than either of them. The path up this remains reasonable, indicating the easiest way of breaching the rock steps, which become gradually more exposed the higher you climb up. Traverses of Beinn Alligin ,Liathatch and BeinnEighe in Torridon: A visit to Torridon would not be complete without taking in the three great ridge traverses. Take the left path and climb steadily up the steepening slope crossing several rocky bands which seemingly circumnavigate the entire ridge proper. Walking can be dangerous and is done entirely at your own risk. With guided walking and scrambling on Beinn Allign, Liathach and Beinn Eighe. People are asked to stay at home except for essential purposes. The Horns of Alligin, beyond the only level ground on the ascent of Tom na Gruagaich. Although the Black Carl's are quartzite and fairly short lived, it will give you a good idea on what to expect with the style of scrambling for the routes you've mentioned. Open start point in Google Maps for directions. Your email address will not be published. The path soon crosses the deer fence at a stile, continuing up the moor to reach the stream issuing from the deep scoop of Coir nan Laogh. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The second Horn is fairly straightforward, whilst on the final Horn it is necessary to traverse to the right when meeting a steep section, and then getting back to the ridge via a short chimney. Best of all, however, is the view of the ridgewalk ahead. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Shortly before reaching the summit, the ridge is split by the Eag Dubh or Black Cleft, a tremendously dramatic gully on the southeast side. The mountains of Torridon hold a special place in the hearts of walkers, scramblers and climbers alike. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Saturday 22 nd July 2017: Number of Munro Summits: 2: Tom na Gruagaich; Sgurr Mhor: Distance walked: 11km : Height gain: 1290m : Scrambling: Grade 1 : Impressive gashes photographed: 1 Cicerone Guide time: 4h55m : Fat Guide time: 6-7h : David and Sophie time: 7h15m Expletives audibly muttered: 0 : Marriages proposed: 0 : Bruised backsides: 1: Not mine this time. As well as reading our description of each walking route, you can read about the experiences of others users on this walk and others.There are 78 user reports for this walk - click to read them. Be the first to rate this post. Next, a descent and then further climb to the summit of Tom na Gruagaich (922m) completes the traverse. From the tiny walkers' car park, a path leaves the road to the left of the burn. Learn about scrambling, gear … No votes so far! This generosity enables us to publish a whole range of scrambling routes to help you enjoy the outdoors. Any real scrambling can easily be avoided on the right, and soon the summit of Stuc Loch na Cabhaig is reached. We'll visit the Munros of Spidean a'Choire Leith, Mullach an Rathain, Sgurr Mor, Tom na Gruagaich, Spidean Coire nan Clach and Ruadh-stac Mor and possibly the Corbetts Beinn Dearg and Beinn Damh. Grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, & grade 3S scrambles in the Peak District, Lake District, Wales, & Scotland. In my haste, I failed to check the map before I started and I headed up the track on the east side of the bridge and had to drop down to cross the burn. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Beyond, the second and highest of Beinn Alligin's two Munro summits, Sgurr Mhor at 986 metres, is easily reached. 3 – (NG 88242 60149) This is where the fun begins. Beinn Alligin means the Mountain of Beauty in Gaelic - and is well named. This is the easiest of the three famous Torridon ridge traverses, but if the Horns are included it still gives some airy scrambling. The best guidebook for this route is found in the Cicerone Scotland’s Mountain Ridges book, which is available via Paperback or Kindle Book here. Want a website thank ranks in Google Search. Beinn Alligin and the western end of Liathach across Upper Loch Torridon. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! A full traverse of the mountain is well within the bounds of a day's walk and offers some excellant ridge walking. The traverse of the three Horns of Alligin is optional and should only be attempted by confident scramblers. However, my intended/return route: Once on the correct path, I made good progress, catching up a group that had parked behind me as I left. Enjoy the awesome adrenaline rush of rocky scrambles on the hill and mountains of the UK. The descent down the southeast ridge from the third Horn would probably be very tricky with sandstone terraces hidden from above if it wasn't for a clear path which ingeniously avoids any real difficulties - but it is still very steep going requiring care. There is a good path for the whole distance, but the going is steep and mountainous throughout. Liathatch has to be the most challenging and is a close second to the Aonach Eagach for the finest mainland ridge traverse. (Crossing these Horns was a grade 1 scramble.) Beinn Alligin. From here follow the well-defined ridge crest to the summit of Sgurr Mor. In reply to. This is the easiest of the three famous Torridon ridge traverses, but if the Horns are included it still gives some airy scrambling. Home » Scotland Scrambles » Beinn Alligin…. It is a fabulous viewpoint, with a vast swathe of the sea topped off with the Isle of Skye, whilst to the east, Liathach is seen end-on. Head down the narrow north ridge of Tom na Gruagaich, which is steep and rocky in places, though in good weather the way is very obvious. it also said “detail uncertain”. Take the (initially vague) path southwards into upper Coire nan Laogh, which can be a bit loose and also contain a large snow patch depending on the time of year you’re visiting. Descent the ridge that dips steeply towards the first of the Horns. The rock was glorious, high-fraction sandstone and the scrambling was excellent. This section provides the most sustained section of the entire traverse climbing on wonderfully grippy Torridonian Sandstone, some of the finest scrambling rock in the UK and maybe the world! Beinn Alligin (Walkhighlands) Beinn Alligin means the Mountain of Beauty in Gaelic - and is well named. I decided not to include Liathach in my weekend, as it’s an exceptionally tough walk, and I wouldn’t have felt comfortable organising a group walk to this mountain. Beinn Alligin. The highest mountains in Torridon are Liathach, Beinn Eighe and Beinn Alligin, all of which are Munros (Scottish mountains with an altitude of at least 3,000 feet/914.4m). The best map for this route is the Ordnance Survey 433, Torridon, available on Amazon here. 2 – (NG 88161 58893) Cross the bridge and follow the path for a few hundred meters, taking the left fork at the next path bifurcation. If you have a route you could contribute. By accessing any page on you agree that you have read, understand, and will fully comply with the following pages: Terms | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. The day proves less tricky than the traverse of nearby Liathach, but it's equal in quality and perhaps even better for views. Time - 7 hours 20 minutes. This website contains route information submitted by real people like you, accounting the facts and personal tales of their experiences. Have you found an error or is any information wrong or missing? A challenging walk to the summit of Beinn Alligin, one of the Torridon giants. Park in the car park on the west side of the Abhain Coire Mhic Nobuil, about three kilometres west of Torridon village. ( NG 85962 60159 ) Victory photos collected and remaining sandwiches consumed NG 88242 )... Ridge that dips steeply towards the first of the three famous Torridon ridge traverses, but if the Horns on. 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