Any time students are to work together, there is an element of classroom management involved. The instructional group should serve the purpose for which the teacher intends it. In order to implement component 3E into my classroom I plan on preparing every lesson with multiple different strategies so that flexibility is easily possible. 3.3 Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness in Persisting to Support Students. Principals could go from room to room and knew exactly what was happening, what page they were on, and what the teacher should be saying and doing. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. As learned in ed. ... How can it be implemented in the classroom? Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. Taking an extra day to research literature about ancient Egyptian architecture or changing the lesson about tornadoes to include designing a model of a low pressure system are just a couple of examples of this kind of responsive… Many educators goal for a minimum of "one year's growth in one year's time." By breaking the classroom into these three levels of learners, the teacher can create instruction that is at (or as close as possible) to each student's readiness level. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.". These six questions pertain to Domain 3 (Instruction), and Component E (Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness). Exemplary teachers are constantly taking the temperature of their classrooms through student feedback. Component 3E which is Flexibility and Responsiveness is referring to the teachers abilities to make adjustments in the lesson and respond well to sudden changes that may have to occur. When the efficiency increases as teachers plan instruction, it becomes easier to meet the needs of individual, groups, and classes of specific students. 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness One of my favorite things throughout my educational background as both a student and as a future teacher has been a well-laid plan. All of the people and resources are selected with a purpose in mind. The best advice for new or inexperienced teachers is to start small. (2nd ed.). ... Teachers must be able to adapt the lesson as it is being taught to fit the conditions of the classroom. Sometimes, lesson plans go well and do not need to be changed however sometimes students may not be responding well to the lesson and the teacher must respond well and do what is best for their students. The ability for a teacher to adjust the content, process, and product due to feedback, formative and summative data, as well as observation is true art form. The teacher may use manipulatives to make the concept more concrete so students can connect to prior learning. After reviewing and collecting as much data as possible, adjustments can be made prior to instruction. Connecting real world concepts to content will help students internalize the information and will help them come up with real world scenarios to solve problems on their own. Gone are the days of teachers closing their doors and teaching. What is component 3E? Quickly, the teacher decides that the learning structure titled, "Inside-Outside Circle" would best get students up and talking. We must model how to communicate, collaborate, and use multiple resources to teach students successfully. Then the teacher decides how many different levels of learning abilities they should address. As a 5th grade teacher, in 2010 he won the Presidential Award for Elementary Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST). The exemplary teacher knows how to connect families with community services, or knows how to connect the families with people who do. In 2019 he won the National No Kid Hungry Breakfast Hero Award. For example, if a student likes basketball, but is having a difficult time understanding the mathematical concept of "average" or "mean." Component 3E: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness 1. With all instruction, answers, and explanations provided in the video, freeing the … Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) "Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. The more they can replicate the prior learning experiences leading up the teachable moment, the more they can predict when they may occur. Why is it important? Being flexible within my classroom has also proven to make the class run more smoothly and allow more productivity among students. Teachers have different ways to show flexibility and responsiveness. These teachers collect more information to use in order to adjust and differentiate instruction. Community members can also play an integral role in supporting teachers. Research at the fingertips of social media has never been faster. Exemplary teachers go outside of the school to find resources and support from community members. In the past five years, education researchers have been discussing the importance of building "grit" and "perseverance" in students. We must celebrate them and encourage this to transpire more often during instruction. OVERVIEW. Many of these students were pulled out of other areas of instruction: science, social studies, or specials that were being taught. 3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness … Component 3E relates to a teachers ability to be flexible while teaching a lesson. Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness is what makes up the heart of component 3E. Teachers should have an unrelenting character trait that does not take failure as an option, only as a learning experience. Teachers need to be able to adapt or change their plans during a lesson as problems arise or if students require the lesson to take a different path than originally planned. What subjects, topics, and other content areas are the students' strengths, who needs more support, or what are the content holes after looking at prior assessment data? Using the same content, the teacher can now harness the energy and chatty nature of the students…thus, using their powers for good! While teachers are required to make sure they teach a set of standards for a given grade level, they also must understand each student's ability level, as well as the socio- and emotional challenges each of them possess. Being reflective is an exemplary teacher's primary strategy in duplicating these moments. Teachers also team with organizations to support student's needs in a number of ways in which a school cannot. Colleagues may have vital information about the students in their class, as well as possible research, strategies, and ideas that they can use with students. The blog is titled, "The Best Teaming Rubric Out There: How Would You Score Your Team?". You have finished grading mid-terms and the results are surprisingly low. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. Responsive teachers are not afraid to stop in the middle of lesson, and try teaching the concept a completely different way, "Class, I see that this is not working, let's try it another way!" Alignment of Gizmos to SDHC Classroom Teacher Evaluation Tool Domain 3E - Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. A teaching lesson fact, about 15 minutes into the lesson you realize the students are not engaged or even looking your direction. Likewise, these teachers also know the fine balance of being too flexible when instructional effectiveness can be lost. We need component 3E because we must be able to change the lesson to form to any situation that arises in the classroom. “Flexibility and responsiveness” refers to a teacher’s skill in making adjustments in a lesson to respond to changing conditions. ", Being Exemplary When Communicating with Students, Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, 3 + 3 = COVID19: Solutions for Remote Learning Under Stay-at-Home Orders, COVID-19 REALITY: 5 Reasons Why Teachers are Working Harder Now than They Ever Have, Be Visionary: 6 Ways the Corona Virus Outbreak Offers the Perfect Opportunity to Bring Real Change to Education, Rising Above the Pandemic to Make the Rest of the School Year Great for the Students We Teach, As This Year Continues and the Pandemic Grows, Listening Is the Greatest Tool an Educator Can Wield, Giving Teachers the Tools and Training They Need to Better Support Behavior Management Efforts In the Classroom, How the Reality of COVID-19 In the Schools Can Impact Even Non-Believers. In fact, many students do not even realize they are learning at such a level of comprehension during this "teachable moment.". Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. Though they would like to have them occur daily, teachers need to be willing to adjust the lesson immediately when a "teachable moment" happens. For example, a teacher may support a family in finding medical, mental, or dental health providers. Reading took precedent over any other subject area. In fact, it had some reprehensible aftereffects: a generation of readers that could read, but hated to do so…alliterate readers. Demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness for all students. For example, when teaching a lesson, a teacher must adapt the lesson to their students' needs and to do that, the teacher must be quick to respond, and be flexible to want to change. What is a Teaching Certificate/Credential? However, as I've learned from teaching, plans aren't necessarily always going to go exactly the way they are supposed to. Workplace flexibility meets the needs of both the business and its workers. Dr. Bill Daggett states, "Culture trumps strategy." Teachers must do their research even before students step foot in their classrooms in the fall. Group work can, and should, maximize learning of students. He is the author of three guides published on An Educator's Guide to Combat Bullying & Bully Prevention; Teacher Evaluation: A Transition Guide to Exemplary Performance; and You are the Wild Card: Infusing Fun Back into Curriculum. This direct instruction technique was meant for all learners in the classroom. What we have come to know after NCLB ended is that teachers need to personalize education. ", Exemplary teachers understand that these moments are rare. They do not give up. Allowing students to choose the modality for learning a topic can be an easy first step in differentiating. What is Component 3E? The ability for a teacher to be responsive and flexible with feedback, advices, information, and data from the teacher's PLN sets an exemplary teacher apart from a proficient teacher. 3 - How Do You Take Advantage of "Teaching Moments?". These are the go-to people and resources that are used to make themselves better. Exemplary teachers also understand that when a group of students is have difficulties understanding the content, they must be responsive. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. This component is about being flexible during a lesson. All the students are working on the same topic or standard, but at a different level. What support do students in my class already receive? Some teachers may plow through the lesson and have the attitude, "I taught it, so they should know it!" Student Interests - Teacher Created Survey, Student Strengths - Multiple Intelligence Survey, Pre-Assessment Data - Teacher Created Short Assessment, Formative Data - Teacher Created During Lesson, Increase or Decrease The Time For Specific Content, Increase or Decrease The Time For Specific Instructional Strategy. The teacher chooses a topic, theme, or standard to address. For example, if a teacher finds that four students need the content retaught in a different fashion, the teacher pulls them into a small group and begins. Teachable moments are special learning experiences that students remember for year to year and beyond. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Component 3E informs us of how flexibility and responsiveness are important in the classroom because it is hard to plan for the unexpected and teachers must be able to improvise when the conditions change. Their PLN is always changing to meet student needs, as well as the needs of the teacher. Differentiation: The teacher acquires and uses specific knowledge about students’ cultural, individual intellectual and social development and uses that knowledge to adjust practice by employing strategies that advance student learning 3.3/3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. Another example is the ability for a teacher to use the interests and strengths of the students to connect and teach a new concept. The teacher can pull statistics from a current basketball player to teach this concept. They do not give up easy and they follow through to the end. In an ideal situation a teacher would previously have their lesson flexible to adapt to sudden changes within the classroom. Angela Duckworth describes "grit" in her recent TED Talk titled, Grit: The Power of Passion and Peservance, as being the number one indicator of student success. is a website for teachers by teachers, and we aim to continuously inform and encourage teaching! The more years of experience, added with research and communication with colleagues, support a teacher's transition from proficient to the exemplary level. As a principal, his school won the 2012 Blue Ribbon Award. 2 - How Big Is Your Proverbial Toolbox of Alternate Instructional Strategies? Most teachers start with the following groups: below grade level, on grade level, and above grade level. What is it? 5 - How Is the Differentiation of Instruction Integral in Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness? The teacher then decides if the preplanned lesson will be successful to continue as planned. The ability to differentiate instruction starts small…from the first day of instruction, even for new and inexperienced teachers. A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most, to learn more about what is happening in Chicago, you can even research your school district). After the school year begins, the data collection prior to instruction does not stop. Standard 3.3: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Teacher persists in seeking approaches for students who have difficulty learning, drawing on a broad repertoire of strategies. Examples of Adapted Lessons, and Lesson Modifications Citation: Danielson, C. (2007). What subjects, topics, and other content areas can I spend less time on due to prior assessment data? Here are some questions teachers should tackle before day one of instruction: Master teachers understand that their planning for the school year starts before the first day of school. What do my colleagues say about the students in my classroom? Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness It has certainly taken awhile for me to learn this, but not all lessons are going to work! The data can consist of formative and summative data, observational data, and any other extraneous data to create the best learning experiences tailored to the students seated in the classroom. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness means adjusting your lesson plan as you are teaching to best suit your students. For example, if a teacher finds that four students need the content retaught in a different fashion, the teacher pulls them into a small group and begins. You have been teaching your math The level of commitment of these teachers to help students learn is evident in their words and actions. MORE ROCK MY EVALUATION RELATED READINGS: We believe teachers inspire our future. Thinking on your toes and being able to adapt and adjust on the spot are marks of an experienced and impacting teacher. This responsiveness to student needs is visible in every day instruction. Exemplary teachers also understand that when a group of students is have difficulties understanding the content, they must be responsive. ... For example, I … You realize that the pace of instruction has been very fast and your students are not learning course content effectively. Choice, creativity, and ability to make major or minor lesson adjustments were not necessary a teacher priority while under this grant. The ability to devise your our own PLN, or Personal Learning Network, is becoming more popular in education. Through experience and student feedback, a teacher builds their toolbox of strategies. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Research states that the culture of a school is the number one indicator of a successful school. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. Teachers should be able to be flexible during the lessons so that lessons may always advance student learning and be corrected if the lessons are not going well. The multitude of things that occur without warning effect the way we teach every day. The ability for educators to be responsive to individual student needs is an art, as well as a science. 6 - How Can Teachers Seek Support and Resources from Colleagues, Community, and Other Research? Varying group styles is … Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness To demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness in teaching, teachers should incorporate student interests into lessons. Component 3E is about being able to flexibly change your classroom's schedule or modify your lesson for the day to allow for the best learning experience for your students. Whether the teacher is bringing in an animal expert from the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, or bringing a financial advisor from a brokerage into the classroom to discuss how interest accrues over time, exemplary teachers find community members that can further support student learning. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. EDpuzzle is a perfect fit for D3E, Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness. 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy, 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport, 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, 4d: Participating in the Professional Community, 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally. A "teaching moment" can be defined as an instructional segment where there is complete student engagement. Realize that when the plan is not working, change the plan! Good educators have to be willing to search for alternative approaches to help students learn. They spend time researching, talking with colleagues and other professionals in order to find the best strategy to support each student for success. Jon Konen is a K-6 elementary principal and freelance writer in Great Falls, Montana. in Elementary Education Interdisciplinary Studies, Master of Arts in Teaching online (MAT online) — No GRE, Prepare for teaching credential, Online MSE in Educational Leadership program - No GRE scores are required to apply, How Effective Is Your School District? Examples of demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness … This may not be in the lesson plans for the day. (Charlotte Danielson Model: Domain 3 Component e). The fifth component of the Danielson Framework domain of Instruction is Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. He has authored a children's picture book that was released January 2019 titled Principal Reads and Benjamin's Visit to the Office…Not the First! As teachers, we had to be ready to change our plan for the lesson on the spot, if the need arises. Exemplary teachers may adjust the time, content, resources and more in order to utilize this complete engagement time. Component 3E of the Danielson Framework is Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. in Elementary Education - or - B.S. In order to achieve a classroom where all students have an opportunity to reach their potential in comprehension, the instructor must obtain sufficient flexibility and responsiveness in every lesson. Even the most carefully designed lesson occasionally requires midcourse correction, and it takes considerable skill to be able to move to plan B on short notice. He has taught most all grade levels K-6, and has been a K-12 principal of a rural school. This can be answered in much the same fashion as what we want to see in our students. How can two teachers be so different in their instructional approaches? What is Component 3E? Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. What does teacher "grit" look like at school? 4 - How Do Grit, Perseverance, and Commitment Play a Role in Teacher Efforts for All Students to Be Successful? Exemplary teachers understand that these qualities start with them. Exemplary teachers have a growth mindset and are continually adding to their tools and strategies. 3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness … Examples from my reflection notes of times that I had to be flexible while teaching This video shows how I demonstrate flexibility and respond to my students. The following six questions will support your transition from being classified as "proficient," moving up to "exemplary" level according to Charlotte Danielson's Evaluation Model. Walking in your classroom could be an abused student from a bad home situation, or an absent teacher requesting you to supervise their classroom, to an unannounced fire drill, educators must respond to situations that interrupt the well-planned instruction. This allows all students to access the required state standard or district curriculum. Working with a team of teachers that encourage each other and share ideas can be one of the most powerful educational endeavors. Compnent 3E of Danielson's Framework is demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. While some education gurus may argue that this ideology was not implemented successfully or effectively by most schools, the data that came out illustrated a failed policy effort. You are able to seamlessly transition into an unplanned lesson or activity without getting flustered or frustrated. Shifting the approach in midstream is not always necessary; in … Reading First did not raise student achievement levels. This website was developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H326S130004 Examples of demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness in the classroom. A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most, Grit: The Power of Passion and Peservance, "The Best Teaming Rubric Out There: How Would You Score Your Team? A grant introduced during the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) era, called Reading First, had teachers use prescriptive language required when teaching reading lessons to students. I ramped up the classroom intensity to the level I usually reserve for one- or two-day inservice workshops in which I need to instruct—and motivate—busy and often tired practicing teachers. As these are intangible qualities, the successful teachers understand how to build it within their students. psych, students are more likely to be engaged in learning if they enjoy and can relate to what it … What sets it apart from other instructional segments are the questions that students continue to ask, as well as a sense of intrigue that is peaked by students' interest. It remains flexible because students can go and learn at their own pace, almost as sort of a flipped learning setting. It did not adjust to students unique learning needs. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness. Domain 3e Indicators: demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness -incorporation of students interests and daily events into a lesson -the teacher adjusting instruction in response to evidence of student understanding, or lack of it Flexibility and responsiveness are qualities that most teachers exude every day in the classroom. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness A good teacher must adapt to the situations around them. Exemplary teachers create a PLN to support their growth as a teacher. Educators must ask themselves, "Am I being flexible in this situation and how can I be even more flexible?" Master teachers are not necessarily in teaching "for the money and prestige;" they are in it because they are committed to supporting students. Teacher persists in seeking approaches for students who have difficulty learning, drawing on a broad repertoire of strategies. A teacher can go deeper into a specific area, or maintain a high engagement level in which students do not want to stop learning about a topic. It may take more time, effort, and energy, but the exemplary teacher does not give up. This ties into Component 1A: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy, because teachers must… 1 - How Do You Know When to Make Minor and Major Lesson Adjustments Before, During, and After Instruction? Angela devised a "Grit Scale" where you can find out your personal "grit" score based on a 5-point scale. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness . For example, if a class arrives chatty with high energy, the teacher needs to add some learning structures that involve talking and movement. A teachable moment is not something that you can plan for; rather, it is a fleeting opportunity that must be sensed and seized by the teacher. Exemplary teachers have growth mindsets and they are continually seeking information from anyone who can support their educational endeavors. Here is a list of data that can be collected after the school year begins: While teachers are starting a lesson, the first 5-10 minutes of instruction should give teachers enough information to determine a plan. When a lesson is well planned, there may be no need for changes during the course of the lesson itself. What socio-emotional situations should I be cognizant about before day one? In Carol Ann Tomlinson's article on the Reading Rockets web site titled, What is Differentiated Instruction?, she defines differentiation. What can you find in my Digital Portfolio? To determine how well your team works together, read this blog, score your team on the rubric, and set goals for your team. (available at ... Teachers can adjust when new situations arise or lessons aren't going well in the classroom. What is component 3E?--This component is all about being able to adapt as a teacher to different circumstances in the classroom.