What is Beef Tallow? Whenever I am processing a large batch of fat to render I will take out a little bit at a time to chop up and leave the rest in the refrigerator/freezer. While the meat is browning, place the carrots, potatoes and onion in the bowl of a 6-quart slow cooker. Add your pig fat to the insert pot. Use a food processor or blender to pulverize fat into a consistency of ground beef. It is estimated that there are between 500 and 1,000 IU of Vitamin D per tablespoon of pastured lard! They have different uses for me. Tallow can be stored for periods of time without refrigeration making it a great fat to keep by your stove, ready for cooking! Pour into your jars OR line baking pans with parchment paper or waxed paper and pour the liquid fat into the pans. That’s ok. Just make sure it’s cool before storing. Throw all of your cubes into the slow cooker and turn it on. The point is that you shouldn’t pour anything hot into a cold glass jar, or you risk shattering the jar and ruining your lard. Where to buy beef fat to render into tallow. pork fat vs. beef fat…..can you render both? IKEA Meatballs Beef Bourguignon Style With Creamy Parmesan Mashed Potatoes, Yummy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Brownies, If you use the "high" setting it will need to render for about 20 hours, if you use the "low" setting it will need to render for about 24 hours. The family that raises our grass-fed beef also raises pork, and no one who buys her pork was asking for the lard! The cook times for a 2 qt slow cooker that is completely full are: Note: this is a general guideline. Add 1/4 cup of water to the slow cooker to prevent the fat from burning - it … butcher. There are two ways to render tallow: Use a stainless steel stock pot on a stovetop; Make tallow in a crockpot or slow cooker; I use the same stock pot for tallow that I use for homemade bone broth but you can also use a crock pot or slow cooker … Where to look for pastured pig fat and/or meat: Storing Lard Without Canning or Refrigerating, The Top 3 Reasons You Should Be Eating Lard, This was my first time and I rendered mine in the crock pot for 20 hours on low per instructions from the farm I received it from. […] ½ cup melted butter, ghee, or lard (buy or make your own!) You want to try and cut only sections of fat from the meat. If it isn’t white after cooling, then it likely overcooked. Question…what do you use to strain it? Tallow is just rendered beef fat. In a crock pot, you can leave the pieces much larger — less work for you! Download Your FREE 7-day Instant Pot Meal Plan! Tallow is solid at room temperature. I enjoy moonlit walks on the beach, (shoddily) making things, and hoarding cats. Lard is awesome for baking! So, I’d say go for it and see what happens! And then after about 20 minutes, you can see the fat starting to render out and the skin gain some colour: Now after about 30 minutes of cooking, just about there: And after 40 minutes or so of cooking on medium heat, the chicken skins are golden and the fat is fully rendered. It is as simple as that. Let the fat cool and strain into a jar or container. Place cheesecloth in funnel, place that in the storage jar. Lindsey will earn a commission from links clicked, but your item costs on Amazon are the same as if you visited Amazon directly. Chop the fat into small chunks. It firms them up and makes it easier to hold them down and less likely you will cut yourself. Best uses for rendered beef fat Ruth Lafler | Apr 15, 2014 10:39 AM 19 I rescued more than five pounds of beef trimmings that were about to be thrown away by my local fancy-schmancy (all humanely raised, mostly grass-fed, etc.) You sure can! Stir the diced fat and let render over the lowest setting for about 2-3 hours. Once the solid pieces are getting dark the process is done. I give it a quick stir and replace the lid. I don't care for them like this myself, but my wife and kids love them. Most suet comes from the tissue surrounding the kidneys and the loins, but any hard beef fat will do. Take your time and pay attention to what you are doing. If you want a saucier beef… Using a sharp knife, trim any meat off of the fat. Recently, I was given — yes GIVEN — 50 pounds of pastured pig fat. You can also season them if you decide to cook them a bit more. The best fat to use is the kidney fat, as it is usually hard and white, … Add the tallow to a large pot and place over low heat. Lard is a nourishing way to get my daily dose of Vitamin D on these sun-less winter days. How to Render Fat in a Slow Cooker Step 1: Trim Your Fat. I don’t want to take a chance with this precious white fat that I’ve worked so hard to render the old-fashioned way. At that point, it’s not releasing oil any longer, and it’s time to stop the rendering process, strain out all remaining lard, and transfer to glass containers for storage. But I want to say it was over 15 quarts! Every few hours, come back and check on it. I just use a simple wire strainer (similar to this) to strain the tallow into a bowl. Thank you! To render beef tallow, you need to get your hands on some raw beef fat. Stirring the lard will … so we're gonna pop this in a crock pot. You don't really have to do anything else while it is rendering. It’s called suet, and the best stuff for rendering is going to be solid and firm. Allow it to harden completely. The smaller you make the pieces, the shorter the cooking time. You can see that my fat was starting to get warm here, I should have re-refrigerated it, but hind sight is 20/20. Slowly and carefully pour the liquid lard into sterilized, warm glass jars. You can also pressure can it with 10 pounds of pressure for 100-120 minutes. I render tallow (beef fat) in the same way as lard. Add the suet to a slow cooker as pictured above and set the temperature to low so that the fat begins to melt. Low being 8 to 10 hours. Do NOT use plastic — it will melt! {Seriously, my jaw fell open when she told me that.} First, you can leave the liquid and let the chunks continue to render — though this will take longer. Stir the fat and oil about every 20-30 minutes to prevent any sticking, scorching, or burning. […] How To Render Lard In A Crock Pot […]. Second, you can ladle out the liquid so it can begin cooling, while you leave the pig fat in the crock pot to continue rendering. I can put my fat in the crock pot, turn it on low, and walk away for hours without worrying about it burning. In my crockpot, I can fit a much larger amount of fat, resulting in much more lard at once. Try to keep the sediment out of the glass jars as you pour. Stir it around every 20 minutes or so. You can put the fat pieces in the freezer or refrigerator if you don't want to render them right away. Place into a slow cooker, dutch oven, or … By putting in a little bit of work I saved money on the brisket, and ended up with all of the fat to render more or less for free. Straining directly into a jar. It should turn snowy white once cooled. Put all the fat pieces into a stockpot, and add enough water to reach the top of the fat. Its large fat molecules give pastries and pie crusts a beautiful, flaky texture. Also, the leaf fat from around the internal organs and kidneys is the most desirable fat compared to trim fat. Your knife is going to get greasy and become very slippery. […], […] tablespoons fat — I used lard, but avocado oil, coconut oil, or butter would also […], […] Healthy fats are also soothing and healing to your gut, so eat more grass-fed butter and ghee, coconut and avocado oils, tallow and lard. Throw all the cut up bits of fat into the slow cooker. It is inevitable that some fat sections will be marbled with meat and that is OK. Any meat that goes with the fat to render will turn into "cracklins" (similar to pork rinds/chicharron). You can also just trim the fat that you don't intend to eat off of cuts of meat (as in this Instructable). Using thin cookware makes it easier to scorch the suet, or end up with hard bits stuck firmly on the bottom of the pan. If you are using fat from a beef-breed animal (Angus or Hereford for example), your … I like to come back every 15 minutes and stir to make … Lindsey Dietz of All The Nourishing Things is a participant in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Stir occasionally, every hour or so, for 3-4 hours to prevent the suet from sticking to the bottom of the pot. Participated in the Slow Cooker Challenge. <—- This is what I do. I have to fry them for a few minutes and get them a bit crispy to enjoy them. Lard, which has been well-strained so that no bits of perishable fat remain in it, is shelf-stable. Place chunks of pig fat into your crock pot and turn on high heat. I usually give it a stir when I do this, but I find the smell while the fat is rendering to be unappealing when the lid is removed. Every once in a while Gran would go to the butcher or abattoir and get some muscle fat trimmings that she'd render down in the oven and then use over the next month or two. All of the solid pieces are cooked and safe to eat. It takes longer than rendering fat on the stovetop in a cast iron skillet, but here’s why I prefer my crock pot over my skillet for lard: It’s time to bring back the age-old tradition of rendering fat in our kitchens! I just throw the cut pieces into a bowl while I work. This untrimmed brisket cost about 1/3 of what trimmed brisket was selling for in the store. Here in northern Minnesota, we are currently experiencing short, cloudy days. If you are on good terms with him/her you might even get them for free. Set your slow cooker on low for 8 hours. Otherwise the big chunks will still be floating around when everything else has finished. How to Render Beef Tallow. Is the fat from a lamb good to use? I choose to freeze and refrigerate mine because I have space. Thanks,Deb Casey (formerly from New Brighton, MN). We also live in Minnesota and so this good news about Vitamin D is really awesome! Step 2: Cut the Fat Into 1/2" Cubes. This stops the fat sticking to the bottom and burning before the fat starts rendering down to liquid. Check it periodically and stir. Rendering the fat For slow cooker – Place the fat in a slow cooker amd set the temperature to low, letting it go for a few hours, stirring from time to time. Step 3: As the pig fat continues to render, it will turn brown and start to crisp. What I did was buy steak and roast trimmings from a butcher. If you want your beef on the drier side, combine the beef with just enough liquid to moisten it. Place your pot over very low heat, your pan in a low oven (250 degrees or so) or turn your slow-cooker to high until it begins to melt in earnest and then turn it down to low. A hunk of suet (2 lbs or so) Remove any muscle tissue or blood that you can see. This Instructable will show how easy it is to render fat in a slow cooker. Add about half a cup or so of water. That will give you the highest nutrient content in the finished tallow. Your tallow (or lard) has finished rendering and you just need to strain out the solids and let everything cool so you can use it. I don’t know how to describe it; but trust me, you’ll know. When you look for beef fat to render, you’ll want to look for fat from 100% grass fed, grass finished cattle. For a sense of scale: the photos included were using a 2 qt crock-pot, and the fat came from an untrimmed 12 pound brisket. I recently used both my slow cooker set on low and a solar oven to compare the two. . Healthy pigs = healthy lard. I usually place my slow cooker on the back porch for this step because although I don’t mind moderate amounts of tallow while cooking, rendering a large amount creates a strong scent in my kitchen that I’m not a fan of. Place fat in slow cooker. Thank you so much for this post! Thank you for… Read more ». How much lard did you render from the 50 pounds of pork fat? It can be a little tricky to find truly healthy pig fat. I used beef fat (suet) but the process is the same for any other animal fat. Jenny, I don’t have any experience with lamb fat, but I would assume it can be treated like any other fat. If you don’t have a food processor, simply chop the fat into smaller pieces, shredding simply makes the rendering process go much faster. Rendering animal fat in my crock pot is my favorite method. By ladling the lard out in batches, the remaining fat will cook faster and render out even more lard. You can heat them in a warm oven or by running hot water over them for a few seconds. With simple, beautiful recipes and practical tips for incorporating nutrient-dense foods and natural remedies into our busy lives, Lindsey has been helping families eat their veggies and bone broth for almost 10 years! The smaller the pieces, the less time it takes to render into tallow. <—- This is what I do. You want to try and cut only sections of fat from the meat. As the pig fat continues to render, it will turn brown and start to crisp. After a few hours, the fat chunks will be swimming in a golden pool of liquid lard! By ladling the lard out in batches, the remaining fat will cook faster and render out even more lard. We're using the meat and a little bit of fat for sausage, but the good looking pieces of fat that we have that goes in a crock pot. You really have to keep an eye on any animal fats you render on the stove top. Add 1/2 cup of water. If so, would I follow the same way you rendered pig fat? Fresh lard has just a slight smell of fatty goodness. During cooking, the water will evaporate, leaving only the rendered fat. Did you make this project? Mine was not white but light brown. Growing up there was always a tub of beef fat in the kitchen for cooking and frying. Carefully strain any lard you ladle out into a glass, heat-proof bowl or large measuring cup, such as a Pyrex. If you ask your butcher you can frequently get waste cuts of fat for dirt cheap. Lard will last ages in the freezer. Growing up there was always a tub of beef fat in the kitchen for cooking and frying. I think my chunks might have been too big. Basically it is the cow version of lard. It’s low-maintenance. We couldn’t believe it. Its high smoke point makes it an excellent choice for frying. Copyright © 2020 AllTheNourishingThings.com, What To Eat And When Based On Baby's Development, Homemade Sourdough Croutons In The Dehydrator, Instant Pot Mexican Beef Stew | All The Nourishing Things, 82 Ways To Heal Your Gut — Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS. It will slowly start to melt, don't be tempted to rush this process by turning it up. I can do larger batches. Although my family doesn’t eat a lot of pork (besides bacon, obviously ), I love to have pastured lard on hand. You are looking to see that the fat is all turning to liquid and the solid pieces are turning a golden brown. Instructions In order to have it melt more easily, cut your fat into chunks no larger than 1.5 inches. This keeps your lard pure and creamy white. Normally we do this outside in the big Black kettle, but it's raining again for the 76 day. If using a slow cooker, stir in a similar manner and adjust the cooking time to at least 4 hours and up to 8. Step 2: Render the fat. A minute or two is all it takes to go from perfectly rendered lard or tallow to burnt cracklins that will make your final product taste off. Clear fat will start to render out of the fatty tissues. I have also found that it is MUCH easier to cut the fat pieces if you put them in the freezer for an hour or so before you begin. I like to check on it every 2 or 3 hours just to make sure everything is breaking down evenly and to see how far along it is. If your house is very warm, the lard may not totally solidify. Once shredded, dump the fat into your slowcooker and begin melting on very low heat for 6-8 hours. Rancid lard smells, well, rancid. If using a stovetop cooker, place on burner over low heat. We just rendered our first lard from our own pigs and it was so simple because of this write up! I think this was too long but then the lard was still white so I don’t think I will be able to bake with it so I am going to get more pork fat so I can have it for baking too. Step 3: Start Rendering. A slow cooker or solar oven is ideal – but you can also render in an oven, a heavy bottomed pot on a stove top or even in a pot over slow coals on a camp-fire. If your lard has gone “off”, you’ll know it immediately by the smell. I once had a jar disappear to the bottom of the deep freeze, and it was over a year before I found it. Chop suet finely, and add to a large, heavy pan. Let sit for an hour or two. If the fat isn't already ground, cut it into smaller pieces with sharp scissors or a knife. Cook down until a clear liquid fat has been rendered from the small pieces of fat. Pastured lard is full of bio-available Vitamin D! Prepare a funnel, cheesecloth and jar to strain the rendered fat. Place the cut fat into the slow cooker, setting the temperature to low. I will try your method next time to see if it different. Contrast that to a mere 10-20 IU found in the CAFO-raised lard at your supermarket. Sometimes it takes a bit more, sometimes a bit less. […]. It was still just as good as the day I rendered it, no funny flavors or anything! Step 3: Time to Render Once your slow cooker is just about full of beef fat, turn it on low. For stove top – Set the burner on low. Although I’m a big believer in smart supplementation and take several supplements myself, I still prefer to get as many vitamins and minerals from my food as possible. While not strictly necessary, adding a bit of water really helps to … Place the roast on top of the vegetables and sprinkle it with the steak seasoning. You can imagine how delighted I was to take this “waste” off her hands. Both are great for frying and sauteeing. Simmer the fat on low for a few hours, until the fat starts to shrivel. Share it with us! I think the time to render for a larger slow cooker would be similar, but I have only used my small crock-pot for this. We must remember that our great-great-grandmothers were rendering and storing lard long before the invention of refrigeration. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. (This is easier to do … Tallow Rendering Supplies Needed: Beef fat (ask a local farmer or butcher for any extra or buy from a reputable source) Slow cooker; Meat grinder or food processor; Cheesecloth; Molds or … About: Proud father of 2 girls (5 and 4 years old as of December 2020). Just a regular ol’ strainer? They do not need to be exactly 1/2" cubes, but I find that everything renders better if you have the pieces more or less uniform. Beef tallow is rendered fat from a cow. If using a blender, I found it easier to pulverize in small 1/2 cup amounts at a time. Rendering tallow isn’t difficult, as long as you have a few supplies on hand to expedite the process. Lindsey Dietz, creator of All The Nourishing Things, loves sharing how nourishing and uncomplicated Real Food and holistic living can be. Place chopped suet into your instant pot or slow cooker and turn on low. When rendering in a cast iron skillet, the fat pieces should be cut up into smaller bits. Allow to cook for about 6-8 hours on low and stir it roughly every hour or so to prevent it from burning. How to Render Tallow in a Slow Cooker. Look for a farmer who raises “pastured” pigs — not pigs that are kept in pens and eat garbage. The first step is to cut away all pieces of meat from the fat, because it can spoil the tallow. Once the pot is full, put the lid on to keep the heat in. Lard from the grocery store is not from healthy pigs and should not be used under any circumstance. It’s less likely to smoke. It is fat that is rendered from suet (cow fat). It’s been a couple of years since I wrote this post, so I can’t remember exactly. If it's your first time rendering tallow, start with the slow cooker method below--it's a gauranteed no … Less than eight hours of daylight makes for a long, dark, Vitamin D-deficient winter. Throughout the rendering process gently stir the lard to prevent any browning. If you have smaller pieces of meat you can trim the fat from them and store it in freezer until you have a large enough quantity to render. Even in my largest cast iron skillet, I can fit about two pounds of pig fat — resulting in about three cups of rendered lard. I have friends who render bear fat similarly. Second, you can ladle out the liquid so it can begin cooling, while you leave the pig fat in the crock pot to continue rendering. The last step is completely optional, but we have found it handy to pour the rendered tallow into cupcake molds. I have done both! The drippings left over in the slow cooker are very flavorful and contain rendered fat from the beef. Cut the suet into very small pieces or use your food processer to chop it into pieces. It is a golden brown color when it is liquid. You can store it in a pantry, cool basement, root cellar, or in your kitchen cabinets without refrigeration. This makes it easier to store and easier to get fairly consistent amounts to cook with (some molds are a bit more or less full, but it comes out pretty close). If using a slow cooker, turn the temperature on to “low”. Allow the jars to sit and cool until the lard has solidified. Be careful while you do this. 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